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Receive more information about Canadian Education,  register now.

The CEC Network is proud to introduce a unique online language training resource. Canadian Language Education Online (CLEO) provides you a valuable, low cost opportunity to:

                     •  Dramatically increase your exposure to native English speakers.
 Learn about Canada’s people, communities, and culture!

Hear Canadians from across the country speak candidly about:

                     • Careers & Worklife
                     • Sports & Leisure
                     • Relationships & More

In developing its courses, CLEO collaborated with students from around the world who have come to Canada to further their education.

Now you can benefit from this collective experience and improve your English in the process.

Find out more, visit:

• Free Sample Lessons
• Topic Centered Courses
• TOEFL and TOEIC Materials

 viste: www.cleo-esl.ca/english