University Province Faculty and Program Degree Name Years Website
University of Alberta AB Faculty of Nursing BScN 4 http://www.ua-nursing.ualberta.ca
Brandon University MB School of Health Studies BScN 2a http://www.brandonu.ca
University of British Columbia BC School Nursing (Faculty of Applied Science) BSN 4 http://www.nursing.ubc.ca
Brock University ON Community Health Sciences BScN 1b http://www.brocku.ca/nursing
University of Calgary AB Faculty of Nursing BN 4 http://www.ucalgary.ca/NU
University College of Cape Breton
(Francis Xavier University)
NS School of Science and Technology BScN 4 http://www.uccb.ns.ca
University College of the Cariboo BC School of Nursing BSN 4c http://www.cariboo.bc.ca
Dalhousie University NS School of Nursing BScN 4 http://is.dal.ca
University College of the Fraser Valley BC Health Sciences BSN 4 http://www.ucfv.bc.ca
Kwantlen University College BC Nursing Program BSN 4 http://www.kwantlen.bc.ca
Lakehead University ON School of Nursing BScN 4 http://www.lakeheadu.ca
Laurentian University ON School of Nursing BScN 4 http://www.nursing.laurentian.ca
The University of Lethbridge AB School of Health Sciences BN 4 http://www.uleth.ca
Malaspina University College BC Health Programs BScN 4 http://www.mala.bc.ca
The University of Manitoba MB Faculty of Nursing BN 2d, 3e http://www.umanitoba.ca/faculties/nursing
McGill University PQ School of Nursing BScN or BN4 3 http://www.nursing.mcgill.ca
McMaster University ON School of Nursing BScN 4 http://www.fhs.mcmaster.ca/nursing
Memorial University of Newfoundland NF School of Nursing BN 4 http://www.mun.ca
University of Northern British Columbia BC Faculty of Health and Human Sciences BSN 4 http://www.unbc.ca/nursing/index.html
Okanagan University College BC Faculty of Health and Social Development BSN 4 http://www.ouc.bc.ca/programs/health/nursing
University of Ottawa ON School of Nursing BScN 4 http://www.uottawa.ca/academic/info/index
University of Prince Edward Island PEI School of Nursing BScN 4 http://www.upei.ca
Queen's University ON Faculty of Health Sciences BNSc 4 http://meds-ss10.meds.queensu.ca/nursing
Ryerson Polytechnic University ON School of Nursing BScN 4 http://www.ryerson.ca
University of Saskatchewan SK College of Nursing BSN 4 http://www.usask.ca/nursing
St. Francis Xavier University NS Faculty of Science BScN 4 http://www.stfx.ca
University of Toronto ON Faculty of Nursing BN 2g http://www.nursing.utoronto.ca
Trent University ON School of Technology and Law See Note 4h http://www.trentu.ca
Trinity Western University BC Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences BScN 4 http://www.twu.ca
University of Victoria BC Faculty of Human and Social Development BSN 2i http://www.uvic.ca
The University of Waterloo ON Distance and Continuing Education BScN 3j http://dce.uwaterloo.ca
The University of Western Ontaio ON Faculty of Health Sciences BScN 4 http://www.uwo.ca/fhs
University of Windsor ON Faculty of Science BScN 4 http://www.uwindsor.ca/nursing
The University of Winnipeg MB School of Health Studies BScPN 4k http://www.uwinnipeg.ca
York University ON ----- BScN ----- http://www.yorku.ca
a.  提供註冊護士文憑後課程          
b. 此學位(Post-Diploma)是針對欲取得護理學士學位的註冊護士所設計  申請者須具備三年護理課程學院文憑          
c. 註冊護士可直接進入第三年          
d. 註冊護士需二年時間          
e. 註冊護士需二年時間          
f. 學士學位需四年          
g. 針對註冊護士所提供的BN學士學位          
h. 由加拿大Sir Sandford Fleming學院及Trent大學所建教合作提供的護理學士學位          
i. 此校之護理系所課程的對象只限註冊護士及唸建教合作課程的學生          
j. 此課程只限註冊護士。為遠距教學課程,畢業生可取得Western, McMaster  Ryerson大學的護理學士學位。          
k. 此課程與Brandon大學建教合作