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 Programa 1 (para maiores de 14 anos):  

"A Grande Explosão" (The Big Snit/1985) - Richard Condie – Cor/DVD/9’49”                              

"A Casa Que Jack Construiu" (This is the House Jack Built/1967) - Ron Tunis – Cor/DVD/8’02”

"Entrega Especial" (Special Delivery/1978) - Eunice Macaulay/John Wladen – Cor/DVD/7’07”

"Minha Carreira Financeira" (My Financial Career/1962) - Gerald Potterton – Cor/DVD/6’30”

"Vizinhos" (Neighbours/1952) - Norman McLaren – Cor/DVD/8’10”

"A Fome" (Hunger/1974) - Peter Foldes – Cor/DVD/11’22”


Programa 2 (para maiores de 14 anos): 

"O Jogo das Pérolas" (The Bead Game/1977) - Ishu Patel – Cor/DVD/5’35”

"Paraíso" (Paradise/1984) - Ishu Patel – Cor/DVD/15’20”

"Como as Asas estão Presas nas Costas dos Anjos" (How Wings are Attached to the Backs of Angels/1996) - Craig Welch – PB/DVD/11’05”

"Quando o Dia Nasce" (When the Day Breaks/1999) - Wendy Tilby/Amanda Forbis – Cor/DVD/9’40”

"O Limiar" (The Threshold/1998) - Suzanne Gerrais – Cor/DVD/7’53”


Programa 3 (para maiores de 14 anos):  

"Amanhecer na Praça Tiananmen" (Sunrise Over Tiananmen Square/1998) - Shui-Bo Wang – Cor/DVD/29’25”

"O Farol" (The Lighthouse/1997) - Pierre Veilleux – Cor/DVD/8’06”

"A Dança da Cadeira" (A Chairy Tale/1957) - Norman McLaren – PB/DVD/10’05”

"Transfiguração" (Transfigured/1998) - Stephen Arthur – Cor/DVD/5’32”


Programa 1 (para maiores de 11 anos):  

"La Salla" (idem/1996) - Richard Condie – Cor/DVD/8’11”

"Cordas" (Strings/1991) - Wendy Tilby – Cor/DVD/10’18”

"O Aniversário de Bob" (Bob’s Birthday/1993) - Alison Snowden/David Fine – Cor/DVD/12’18”

"A Rua" (The Street/1976) - Caroline Leaf – Cor/DVD/10’12”


Programa 2 (para maiores de 11 anos): 

"Vila dos Tolos" (Village of Idiots/1999) - Eugene Fedorenko/Rose Newlove – Cor/DVD/13’

"Estranhos Invasores" (Strange Invaders/2001) - Cordell Barker – Cor/DVD/8’27”

"George e Rosemary" (George and Rosemary/1987) - Alison Snowden/David Fine – Cor/DVD/8’48”

"Estranhos Terráqueos" (What on Earth!/ 1996) - Les Drew/Kaj Pindal – Cor/DVD/9’35”


Programa 3 (para maiores de 11 anos): 

"Dia de Praia" (Under the Weather/1997) – Tali – Cor/DVD/6’10”

"Destino Divino" (Divine Fate/1993) - Ishu Patel – Cor/DVD/10’45”

"O Fim do Mundo em Quatro Estações" (The End of the World in Four Seasons/1995) - Paulo Driessen – Cor/DVD/12’57”

"Frank o Coelho-uu" (Frank the Wrabbit/1998) - John Weldon – Cor/DVD/9’06”

"M.C.Escher: Céu e Água" (M.C.Escher: Sky and Water/1998) - Gayle Thomas – PB/DVD/3’25”


Programa 1 (Livre): 

"Gato de Neve" (Snow Cat/1998) - Sheldon Cohen – Cor/DVD/22’58”

"Christopher Troca de Nome" (Christopher Changes his Name/2000) - Cilia Sawadogo – Cor/DVD/6’30”

"O Tocador de Corá" (The Cora Player/1996) - Cilia Sawadogo – Cor/DVD/7’05”

"O Torneio" (The Tournament/1995) - Francine Desbiens – Cor/DVD/6’31”


Programa 2 (Livre):  

"Ludovic, o Presente da Neve" (Ludovic, the Snow Gift/2001) - Co Hoedeman – Cor/DVD/14’24”

"O Castelo de Areia" (The Sand Castle/1977) - Co Hoedeman – Cor/DVD/13’12”

"As Rosas Cantam na Neve Fresca" (Roses Sing on New Snow/2002) - Yuan Zhang – Cor/DVD/7’04”

"De Muito Longe" (From Far Away/2000) - Shira Avni/Serene El-haj Daoud – Cor/DVD/6’39”


Programa 3 (Livre): 

"Cinderela Pingüim" (The Tender Tale of Cinderella Penguin/1981) - Janet Perlman – Cor/DVD/9’57”

"O Gato Voltou" (The Cat Came Back/1988) - Cordell Barker – Cor/DVD/7’37”

"Quando a Poeira Assenta" (When the Dust Settles/1997) - Louise Johnson – Cor/DVD/7’11”

"Luzes para Gita" (Lights for Gita/2001) - Michel Vo – Cor/DVD/7’34”

"A Coruja que Casou com o Ganso" (The Owl who Married a Goose: an Eskimo Legend/1974) - Caroline Leaf – Cor/DVD/7’38”


Programa 4 (Livre):  

"Jantar para Dois" (Dinner for Two/1996) - Janet Perlman – Cor/DVD/7’18”

"A Mágica de Anansi" (The Magic of Anansi/2001) - Jamie Mason – Cor/DVD/6’51

"Minha Avó" (With Grandma/1999) - Françoise Hatmann – Cor/DVD/9’23”

"Como os Dinossauros Aprenderam a Voar" (How Dinosaurs Learned to Fly/1995) - Munro Ferguson – Cor/DVD/5’58”

"Christopher, por favor, limpe seu quarto!" (Christopher, please clean up your room!/ 2001) - Vincent Gauthier – Cor/DVD/6’58”

"Toda Criança tem Direito" (Every Child/1979) - Eugene Fedorenko – Cor/DVD/6’13”
