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High Schools in Canada: A World-Class Choice


Canadian high school students are achieving some of the highest marks in the world in reading, math and science, according to a recent study comparing students in 42 countries.

Students at High Schools in Canada placed second only to Finland in terms of the reading skills of 15-year-olds, and ranks among the top five countries for accomplishments in math and science (OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment, Sept. 2003). The impressive achievements of Canadian teenagers are a testament to the outstanding quality of Canada’s education system.

Canada has long been known for excellence in education. In fact, growing numbers of students from around the world are coming to Canada to benefit from its first-rate school system. In 2002, there were just over 31,000 international students pursuing elementary and secondary studies in Canada, up almost 15% from two years ago. Students at this level account for about 22% of all international students in Canada.

If you’re considering a secondary education abroad, Canada offers a wide range of choices:

· Are you interested in a public or private school? In Canada, both offer high quality academic programs that must meet provincial curriculum standards.
· Would you like to earn a high school diploma in Canada? In addition to a standard diploma program, some institutions offer International Baccalaureate programs, or university preparation programs, designed to improve students’ academic skills for entry into universities and colleges.

· If you’d prefer to come to Canada for a shorter period of time, you can also find programs of a few months or a year in length, giving you a chance to combine your learning with a taste of life in Canada.

· Canada is an excellent option for those studying English or French as a second language. Being immersed in the language helps you to learn more quickly, and you can put your new skills into practice by interacting with Canadian students on a daily basis.

· You’ll also find programs specifically for international students, such as intensive programs focused on acquiring language proficiency, and programs that combine academic and language studies.

Canada also offers a world-class infrastructure in which to learn, including comfortable, modern and well-equipped classrooms. A 2000 study showed that the typical 15-year-old Canadian attended a school where there was one computer for every six students - well above the average of one computer for every 13 students among OECD countries. About 80% of school computers in Canada are connected to the Internet, compared to about 50% across OECD countries.

A junior or high school education is essential for preparing today’s youth not only for further studies, but to meet the needs of a global, knowledge-based society. Give yourself or your child a solid foundation for the future by exploring the benefits of a secondary education in Canada!

Click here for a list of High Schools in Canada.


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